Lilypie Waiting to adopt Ticker

Friday, October 27, 2006

8 Months (and 1 day) Old!!

Ava celebrated 8 months of life yesterday!! I know I say it every month, but I really can't believe she's getting so big! She is more fun every day, so being a Mom becomes more fun every day. I took these pictures last night after she got out of the bath. We finally got a bow in her hair. However, it was hanging on for dear life, so I don't think she'll be able to wear it out yet. But it made for a cute picture!! Here are some things we're doing now:

* Rolling all over the place--front to back & back over

* Growing 2 new teeth that have popped up--the 2 bottom front ones. They are SO CUTE!!

* Eating pieces of banana, veggie puffs, biter biscuits & drinking water from a regular cup when I hold it

* Showing no interest whatsoever in crawling

* Loving Lola (the purple hippo) more and more every day

* Getting very sturdy when we help her stand up. We wouldn't be surpised if she just skipped crawling & went straight to pulling up. She's definitely more interested in it!!

* Making her mommy & daddy love her more every day!!

1 comment:

dreamingBIGdreams said...

LOVE these jammies - LOVE this girl and LOVE the effort that you guys put into getting a bow in her hair!!!!

I love seeing the videos and how big she is getting. I miss you guys and wish we were sitting on the lawn with you all at a Victoria concert!!!

Missing you guys!