Lilypie Waiting to adopt Ticker

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Life In The Great State of Texas....

Hey friends :) I can't even tell you how great it is to finally have a computer again. It's sad how attached I've gotten to technology! We have been in Texas now for exactly one month! It has been a fun, crazy, completely stressful ride so far, but we're loving it! Matt is really enjoying his new job--he feels so blessed, humbled & overwhelmed that God has called him to such a huge task. The church has been so sweet to us--we feel like we've definitely found a church family--not just a church. He has been super busy trying to get everything ready for the fall--which kicks off next Sunday as the kids promote to their new grades. More good news--God has brought Matt an Associate--a guy named Grant that we knew at HBU. He is a great leader & friend, and it's as if him & Matt are soul-mates (ministerially speaking ha ha!!). They get along so well, and share the same passion & love for students. We're so excited that the team is complete & now we can move ahead!
Ava is doing so many new things!! She's getting so big & cute. She's been rolling over from her back to her belly for a month now. She could roll across the whole floor if we'd let her--she's definitely a mover!! And she started eating rice cereal a couple of weeks ago & loves eating out of a spoon. I get all sappy every time I feed her though, b/c I'm like--are you really old enough for this???? Where has all the time gone? She sat up on her own for about 10 seconds yesterday, so she'll probably be doing that soon too! And she's starting to teethe, so she's pretty fussy sometimes & she chews on EVERYTHING & drools on EVERYTHING!!! We are so crazy in love with that little girl though. I can't even put into words my joy & excitement to spend my life with her. She is the sweetest gift....
I've been busy putting the house together slowly but surely. It's starting to come together & really feel like home--so that's comforting :) I have some friends coming over to help me paint tomorrow--yeah!! As soon as we get that done I'll post some pictures. I'm starting to make some good friends here, but I definitely miss my Murfreesboro girls! I'm really enjoying being a stay at home mom--it's the greatest job on earth.
Hope you're all doing good. Here are some pictures from the last month. I'll post some more over the next few days, so stay tuned!

My favorite new picture--I think she's a perfect mix of Matt & I. I love that smile :)

Such a happy little baby :)

Matt went out of town for a week & let me get season 4 of Gilmore Girls (I love him!!) Ava & I were both very happy girls :) We like to call ourselves the Setliffe Girls!!

The face says it all

She is the happiest baby in the morning--I love it!! Another morning person in our house--sorrry Daddy!!

With Auntie Em at our Murbach family "Good-bye Weekend" in Nashville. I think Ava looks a lot like Emily.

With her favorite chew toy--teething!!!

With Jamie & Deacon--Ava's future husband :)

Ok--I can't for the life of me figure out how to flip this picture, so just turn your head--I think it's so cute!


dreamingBIGdreams said...

I LOVE that thing that Ava is sitting in. I always wanted to buy one but never did and now we don't really need one. I read somewhere that the orphanage in Haiti wants some. I wish I could send them 25! Wouldn't that be nice.

Anonymous said...

best regards, nice info »