Lilypie Waiting to adopt Ticker

Saturday, September 02, 2006


Hey friends. Ava & I have had quite the week! We've been sick as dogs all week long. Ava came down with the crud last weekend & has been feeling pretty bad all week. And on Wednesday I started to get a sore throat & woke up Thursday with full blown whatever this is. I think it's the flu--not the throw up kind, but the crud kind. We were both up all night last night coughing--yes, you can call us party girls :) Matt is out of town this weekend, so we're stuck here--2 little sickies. I have not walked outside since Tuesday. How sad is that? I feel like we're in a bubble. So today I went to whataburger to get some food & then sat Ava up in the backyard & did a 10 minute photo shoot. I just had to get outside! Of course the heat & humidity made both of our coughs worse, but still, it was worth it. I took 60 pics, so I definitely won't bore you with all of them (even though I think they all turned out so cute!), but here are a few highlights. I got this hat when she was little bitty & it was huge on her--I can't believe she's big enough to fit into it now! Please keep us in your prayers--I think we're both ready to be feeling better. I'm about to go stir crazy & I'm a home person. This week would have done Matt in, so hopefully he won't catch our bug. Love you all. Thanks for listening to me complain.

with Lola--her favorite toy--they like to make-out :)


Virginia said...

those are some freaking gorgeous pics girl! i love how vibrant the colors are... and of course, having a super cute subject doesn't hurt either. ;)

hope you are feeling better!

the kirkseys said...

Rachel, she is soooo adorable! What a little model : ) Please, please, please let me know if you need ANYTHING while Matt is out of town.. EVER! I can be there in not time at all. Even if it's just someone to hang out with. I hope you are feeling better, and let me know when y'all are back to normal. We'll hang out again! love you girl! : )