Lilypie Waiting to adopt Ticker

Monday, August 14, 2006

100 Things About Me

My friend Jamie ( did this on her blog & it really got me thinking. I wonder if I can come up with 100 things about me. Last night I couldn't sleep, so I started making my list. Here I go....let's see if I can do it.

1. Jesus loves me
2. I don't understand why Jesus loves me
3. I am married to my best friend
4. My daughter's smile just about makes my heart stop
5. I like striped socks

6. I just realized that I don't know how to spell striped :)
7. I make the bed every night right before I get in it
8. There is an artist living inside of me, but she is trapped
9. I am afraid of too many things
10. I love the smell of pumpkin
11. One of my favorite childhood memories is catching fireflies at Devil's Lake
12. I really don't like fish
13. I have wanted an orange cat named Oliver my whole life--and now I have him
14. I love that Ava got her nose from me
15. I get really nervous when I meet new people
16. I think that Jane Austen is the greatest writer of all time
17. Well, somedays I think that Roald Dahl is the greatest writer of all time
18. Chocolate covered cherries make me throw up
19. I feel very insecure about my body--why is it so hard to lose weight?
20. I am married to the greatest youth pastor the world has ever seen
21. If I wouldn't gain 1200 pounds I would eat Mexican food at every meal
22. I have obsessive compulsive tendencies
23. For example...I eat my skittles by color & least favorite to favorite and I go in a circle. I eat purple, green, red, orange, yellow. Then I start over until they're all gone & my last bite is yellow--b/c it's my favorite.
24. Matt hates yellow skittles so we make a great team
25. I still check under the bed for monsters when Matt is out of town
26. I love Gilmore Girls--a little too much really--sometimes I even feel like they're my friends
27. My two longest friendships are with Erin & Aprile--12 years
28. I break out into a cold sweat when I have to make a phone call. Don't ask me why...
29. My parents are my heroes
30. I still sleep with a yellow puffalump monkey named Nanners. If he falls on the floor I wake up
31. I've caught Matt snuggling with Nanners in the morning
32. I'm jealous of Ava's eyelashes
33. I am a neat freak but I don't really know how to keep things neat
34. I don't enjoy cooking, but I could spend the whole day watching the Food Network
35. I am a procrastinator
36. I miss shopping for school supplies
37. I was born in Flint, Michigan
38. I think my dad is a brilliant man
39. I am a clutz--I fall down in the grocery store all the time
40. No one has ever seen me fall down in the grocery store, so no one believes me
41. My favorite song today is Black Horse & A Cherry Tree by KT Tunstall
42. If I ever figure skated at the Olympics I would skate to It's a Wonderful World by Louis Armstrong
43. My favorite day I've ever had was the second day of my honeymoon where we walked the pier in Monterey.
44. Ava's birth ties #43
45. I'm afraid sometimes that I don't love God enough to be a good mommy
46. My favorite color is green
47. I hate riding in convertible
48. I love that Ava is so excited to see me in the morning
49. I wish I was a late night person so I could stay up with Matt longer
50. I'm afraid I can't come up with 50 more things
51. I love antique stores...everything about them...the smell, the history, the fascinating people that work there
52. I have been fighting acne for 15 years
53. Roaches scare the pee out of me
54. I wash my hands at least 30 times a day
55. Blueberries are my new addiction
56. I miss being a kid
57. I met Matt on the first day of college
58. I fell in love with Matt before I even met him
59. Matt is the cutest boy I've ever seen
60. I miss Jamie, Ginger & Maris every day
61. I love to decorate my house
62. I hope that someday I can finish seminary
63. I don't feel as brave as I used to
64. Somedays when things get really hard I find myself looking for flights to Florida so I can be around people that really love me & know me
65. I fight the ugly monster of perfectionism every day
66. My favorite kind of ice cream is butter pecan, but no one else likes it, so I've had to revert to mint chocolate chip when I share a gallon with someone
67. I wish I could eat an entire gallon of ice cream by myself without feeling guilty
68. I think about the baby we're hoping to adopt every day...actually every 5 minutes or so
69. I hate how shy I am
70. My friend Virginia inspires me to be creative
71. I didn't think that moving to Texas would be so hard
72. Sometimes I actually start to think that I'm a good singer
73. I wish I read my Bible more than I do
74. I love that in Victorian times it was a sign of prosperity and wealth to be pasty white and fat
75. Sometimes I think more highly of myself than I should
76. Sometimes I think more lowly of myself than I should
77. I enjoy scrapbook--but only with friends b/c I'm a copycat
78. I love cuban food
79. I still wish upon stars
80. My hollywood boyfriend is Sean Connery as James Bond
81. My other hollywood boyfriend is Brad Pitt in Oceans 11
82. I still love it when Matt holds my hand
83. I could stay at my house every day for a week and be perfectly content
84. I love clean sheets
85. I like the color of my eyes
86. One of my favorite parts of the day is opening all the blinds in the morning
87. I struggle with my prayer life
88. I would rather eat dog food than put on a bathing suit
89. I stole a piece of candy from the store when I was 5
90. I wish that Matt had been my first kiss
91. I love having a sister...I wish she lived next door to me
92. I want to learn to be a photographer--I'm thinking about taking some classes
93. I'm terrible at math
94. I love black furniture
95. I miss season 1 of Alias
96. I call my Mom almost every day
97. I love that Ava's birthday is 02/26/2006--it seems magical to me
98. I tend to be fake sometimes
99. My favorite Roald Dahl book is The BFG
100. I'm proud of myself for doing this

Wow--I did it :) Ok, you're probably all bored to death, but it was just something I had to do. Thanks for the idea Jamie. You should all try this--it's actually kind of fun and therapeutic! Have a good Monday....


ginger said...

yess! that's my girl! you're such an interesting person... i love these things!

(although it makes me really miss you...)

i suppose i'm next to fill this out, huh?

dreamingBIGdreams said...

I love it and you made me chuckle at some!

I too miss season 1 of alias and i too strugle with my prayer life ... i too miss you!

ginger said...

i found the background & layout on a blogger website... check the link listed under credits and it should take you there!

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