Lilypie Waiting to adopt Ticker

Thursday, August 17, 2006


Hey! I was going to write a little update, but Ava is reminding me that she is starving (quite loudly in fact!!) so I'm going to just post some pictures. I'll update soon :)

Mama & Ava

A pic from my cell phone camera--not the best quality, but the subject sure is cute :)

Another cell phone pic--she's starting to sit up when she has support behind her back!

Her "what are you thinking Mom??" look

Ava with my grandpappie :) I think they kind of look alike!!

I love this picture

Her eyes melt my heart


Virginia said...

Man oh man! She is so stinkin' cute!

the kirkseys said...

She is soooo precious!

Thursday would be great for me. What time?

dreamingBIGdreams said...

could she get any cuter???

ginger said...

i love the pic of you and ava... beautiful! like mother, like daughter!

love the background too, by the way... good job!