Lilypie Waiting to adopt Ticker

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

I Feel Like I've Been Using This Word A Lot, But Here's The UPDATE

Hey friends. I feel like the title of every email lately & every post has been Update, so if any of you writers out there could help me think of a new word, that would be awesome :) Anyways, I wanted to post about my Mom's doctor's appointment last week since so many of you have been asking how it went.

She has officially been diagnosed with Stage III C ovarian cancer. I'm not positive what that means, just that it's very advanced Stage III, but has not penetrated her major organs (praise God!). She is going back to the doctor next Friday, and if her body is strong & healing on schedule then she will begin chemo 2 weeks after that. The doctor is wanting her to complete 8 rounds of treatment, but also mentioned that most patients can't get that many in b/c their bodies can't handle the medicine. So he's hoping for her to get 3-6 treatments. A treatment means that she will spend 24 hours at the hospital hooked up to an IV with her chemo medicine. Then she will go home & 6 days later they will do it again. Then they will wait 3 weeks in between rounds. So it's going to be a long hard battle, but we are trusting God with all of this.

According to the doctor, there is a 20-30% chance that she will be "cured" from the chemo--meaning cancer free. He said that most likely the chemo will just keep everything contained & under control. But we are choosing to trust in God & not in statistics. If He chooses to heal her, that is His plan!

We have been so busy lately with our adoption paperwork. They're not kidding when they say it is a TON of work & compare it to pregnancy. We still have so far to go, but things are getting done here & there & we're steadily plowing through. We have been working on this for exactly 3 months today! Matt & I had a really great prayer time last night for our process & our baby & everything involved. We hadn't prayed together in a long time b/c we've been apart so much lately. So it was a really sweet & encouraging time. We decided to make Monday's adoption day in our house & spend the evening after Ava has gone to bed praying together. I'm really excited about this.

I guess that's it for now. I don't have any new pics of Ava b/c my memory card is full & I need to take it to Sam's Club to get pictures made so I can delete the old ones. So hopefully I'll get that done this weekend. Love you all :)


Anonymous said...

Great to hear from you, and we are very excited about the progress your mom is making along with the adoption! We've been getting regular updates from my parents, but it's great to hear from you and Matt as well...

Patrick and Melanie

dreamingBIGdreams said...

YES adoption paperwork is like a pregnancy - SO much work and it takes forever! Keep going though b/c the end is so worth it!

Tamara said...

Keep the updates coming! Praying for your mom and you guys! Sending love and hugs through the internet! I can't wait to hear more about the adoption too!! Love, The Cosby's

the kirkseys said...


I am SO inspired by your faith right now. Remember that absolutely NOTHING is impossible for our great God! We'll be praying that Susanna (I love that!) will be able to withstand as much chemo as possible and that it will completely annihilate (like that word?) her cancer. Praise God that she believes in Him for her hope!

And I totally meant to ask you about your adoption process on Sunday but forgot. And...I need to return your Baby Whisperer book to you! I'm such a doof (is that how you spell it?) We are also praying for a smooth process and perseverance to get your sweet lil El Salvadoran baby!

I pulled out my trusty Thesaurus, and here are the words it lists for "update": modernize, bring up to date, refresh. And in Spanish, it is "poner al dia". Maybe you should just stick to "update" : ) Love you girl!